To engage in various activities in Colombia, such as whale watching in the Pacific, diving in Providencia and Santa Catalina, exploring Caño Cristales, or experiencing the Coffee Triangle, it’s important to understand the type of currency and payment methods available in Colombia beforehand. Using our currency converter will help ensure a smooth trip without last-minute issues related to currency exchange.
For more information about the Colombian Peso, visit Banco de la República.
The Colombian Peso is the legal currency in the country. It is identified with the abbreviation COP and locally with the symbol ($).
There is a wide variety of denominations in coins and banknotes. You will find coins of 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1,000 pesos, and banknotes of 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, and 100,000 pesos, which highlight Colombia's wealth and diversity. Get to know them! ¡Conócelos!
Features the image of the artist Débora Arango and an illustration related to Caño Cristales.
View Informational VideoPhoto: Bank of the Republic
Features the image of the poet José Asunción Silva and a representation of the Amazon region.
View Informational VideoPhoto: Bank of the Republic
Features the image of the anthropologist Virginia Gutiérrez and a representation of the Amazon.
View Informational VideoPhoto: Bank of the Republic
Features the image of President Alfonso López Michelsen and a representation of the Magdalena
View Informational VideoPhoto: Bank of the Republic
Features the image of Nobel Laureate Gabriel García Márquez and a representation of the Lost City.
View Informational VideoPhoto: Bank of the Republic
Features the image of President Carlos Lleras Restrepo and a representation of the Cocora Valley.
View Informational VideoPhoto: Bank of the Republic